remove_action( 'wp_head', 'wp_generator'); Comments on: Western States 100 2012, The race that never was meant to be JEN BENNA'S RUNNING BLOG Fri, 13 May 2016 01:17:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Gretchen Mon, 02 Jul 2012 23:40:51 +0000 I’m so sorry things worked out this way for you, Jen! My Western States dreams were a long time in coming to fruition as well, so I know what you mean about the big build up. This race just sits on such a big pedestal. I can only imagine how heartbreaking the timing of this illness was for you.
I was really excited to see you kick some ass at this one, too! But this is not the end of your WS dreams. It’s just kind of a washed out section of trail on your way to the Big Dance, one that you’ll get around in order to keep going after it. I know you’ll be back, and I can’t wait to see it when you are!
Glad to hear Eva is feeling better, and I hope you are as well. Get healthy, and let’s get out and run some trails together this summer, okay?

By: Jen Wed, 27 Jun 2012 19:13:04 +0000 Hi Allyson,
Thank you for the sweet comments. I, too, am sorry you didn’t get to run in 2010… you’ll have to stop me on the trails one day and tell me your story. Keep doing what you love and keep believing in you. I figure a breakdown could also be a breakthrough:)

By: Allyson C Wed, 27 Jun 2012 16:28:26 +0000 Jen – we’ve never met, though I’ve seen you and JB on the trails, and for everyone I knew who was doing their first WS100, I was over-the-top excited for your opportunity. As I read this, my heart ached for you and my eyes became watery. I too had waited 8 years for the opportunity to run WS in 2010, and so I know how much you had put into it, physically and emotionally. I can only imagine how difficult it’s been for you these past few days, yet your resilience already shines through the grief. I’m amazed by your optimism – and I believe in it too. There will be another day, another race, another chapter — and when it arrives, you will be even more ready, more grateful to seize it. It sounds cliche, but it truly will be that much sweeter for you, and I hope I will be at the track to see it. You will get there. I believe it. I believe in you. Happy trails…always!

By: Jen Wed, 27 Jun 2012 02:59:14 +0000 Thanks Brett. You are so right- just one small chapter in the big scheme of things. So sorry you aren’t going to run AC. But life is just getting super fun for you guys- the house, the wedding. Enjoy every last minute of it. We are so happy for you!

By: Brett R. Tue, 26 Jun 2012 23:34:48 +0000 Jen! It was a bummer to hear from JB and Jimmy and how sick you and Eva were leading up to the race. We all were excited to see you run, but the vast majority has also had moments of varying degrees similar to what you went through the past week. Just one small chapter in a much larger story. AC isn’t going to work out for me timing-wise this year with some life events I didnt predict when I signed up for the race, so if you start looking for another 100 in the fall let Larissa and me know, we may join you at the start line!

You and Eva recover well!
